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Constituting General Assembly of EOSC Association


EOSC Association General Assembly

In the constituting General Assembly of the EOSC association, the first President and Directors have been elected.


Karel Luyben (TU Delft) has been elected as president with 119 out of 139 votes.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors consists of the following eight members:

For 3 year period

  • Marialuisa Lavitrano (UNIMIB), Italy
  • Suzanne Demouchel (CNRS), France
  • Klaus Tochtermann (ZBW), Germany

For 2 year period

  • Sarah Jones (GÉANT)
  • Ignacio Blanquer (UPV), Spain

For 1 year period

  • Wilhelm Widmark (SU), Sweden
  • Bob Jones (CERN)
  • Ronan Byrne (HEAnet), Ireland